Erosion of the cervix requires attention

Some gynecologists believe that cervical erosion is a “medical myth” that does not require treatment, while others assure their patients that erosion is a dangerous disease in which one must tune in to serious and long-term therapy. Which of them should we believe?

Erosion of the cervix is ​​an ulcerative defect in the vaginal part of the cervix. According to statistics, this disease is diagnosed annually in almost 70% of women of reproductive age. The pathological process in this case is manifested in the fact that under the influence of various factors, the normal epithelium of the cervix is ​​replaced by a cylindrical one. Simply put, small wounds appear on the mucous membrane of the cervix, which at first do not cause any discomfort.

It would seem that any ulcers and wounds, and even found in such a “tender” place, require immediate implementation of all kinds of therapeutic measures. However, according to many experts, modern gynecologists often confuse real cervical erosion with the so-called pseudo-erosion, which is not a disease and is considered a normal physiological phenomenon that does not require any treatment. In foreign medical literature, the term “cervical erosion” appears very rarely, precisely because real erosion is also rare.

Cause for concern
Of course, after the message that the pseudo-erosion does not need treatment, many women breathed a sigh of relief – which means that you don’t have to worry, everything will go away by itself. This is partly true – especially quickly, the healing process of ulcers on the cervix takes place in young girls. The problem is that it is impossible to independently determine what type of erosion is observed in you and whether it is dangerous. This can only be done by an experienced doctor using modern research methods.

Scientific evidence suggests that unsafe cervical erosion can increase the risk of cervical cancer, which at first does not manifest itself in any way. That is why every woman needs to undergo regular preventive examinations to help identify pathology in the early stages of development, when the disease can still be stopped. Erosion of the cervix also increases the risk of developing urogenital lesions.

Do not save on yourself and your health! Remember to visit your trusted gynecologist regularly.

Where does cervical erosion come from?
One of the main reasons for the development of cervical erosion is various infections of the genital tract. Infection with trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis), candidiasis (thrush) and papillomavirus infection (HPV) irritates the cervical mucosa, which causes inflammation. HPV of high oncogenic risk is especially dangerous (numbered 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, 82). Similar types of HPV virus are found in 95-100% of cases of pre-invasive and invasive forms of cervical cancer.

Hormonal imbalance, too early onset of sexual activity, various microtraumas, difficult childbirth, abortion and inflammatory diseases of the vagina and uterine appendages can also lead to infection of the cervix and the development of erosion.

Erosion of the cervix is ​​an insidious disease that in most cases is asymptomatic. Most often, such violations are detected by chance, during an examination by a gynecologist. But given that cervical erosion can develop against the background of the presence of genital tract infections, the following symptoms may be observed:

The appearance of vaginal discharge, unpleasant odor.
Discomfort and itching in the genital area.
Painful intercourse, the appearance of bloody discharge.
Pain in the perineum and lower back.
If any of these symptoms appear, immediately make an appointment with your gynecologist! You should immediately consult a doctor and in the presence of neoplasms on the genitals, similar to cauliflower on a leg, – genital warts.

Diagnostics and treatment of cervical erosion
The main methods for diagnosing erosion are examination by a gynecologist and colposcopy, which allows you to examine the pathological focus of the disease under multiple magnification. If necessary, the doctor may also prescribe a targeted biopsy of the cervix and a histological analysis of the resulting tissue.

Pathologically altered tissue during erosion is removed using coagulation, cryodestruction, laser coagulation and radio waves. Remember – timely treatment prevents complications from developing and restores health!